Other bulbs

Canna achiras (Cannaceae)

Rhizomatous perennial with large elliptical leaves. Stem, leaf margins and petiole dark red. Flowers elegant, 4-5 cm-sized, with scarlet...

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Canna flaccida (Cannaceae)

Cannaceae Specie rizomatosa alta fino a 2 m. Foglie verde-chiaro di 20-45 x 8-11 cm, ellittiche, lanceolate, con apice acuto. Fiori...

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Eucomis comosa (Asparagaceae)

17-100 cm high bulbous species. Leaves suberect, oblong-lanceolate, speckled with purple, with waved margin. Flowers star-shaped, greenish...

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Canna edulis (Cannaceae)

~~Rhizomatous perennial up to 2 m in height. Leaves 20-50 x 10-18 cm, purple-red and green. Flowers red, with narrow petals, on 1-1.5 m...

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Drimiopsis maculata (Asparagaceae)

Description not available. 12 cm pot

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