
Colombian species with underground scaly rhizomes. Stems erect, hairy, up to 60 cm long, evergreen. Leaves large, ovate, soft and velvety,...

x Achimenantha naegelioides ’Inferno’ (Gesneriaceae) (Gesneriaceae)
Rhizomatous species up to 45 cm high. Leaves 6 × 3 cm, ovate-lanceolate, toothed, reddish. Flowers axillary, bright red in colour with a...

Eucodonia andrieuxii (Gesneriaceae)
Herbaceous species with scaly rhizomes. Leaves ovate, pubescent, light green above, reddish beneath.. Flowers solitary, bell-shaped,...

Smithiantha multiflora GRF9121 (Gesneriaceae)
~~Rhizomatous species. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, toothed, pubescent, green with darker stripes. Flowers pendulous, funnel-shaped, white, in...

Kohleria eriantha (Gesneriaceae)
This small plant, usually up to 50 cm high, has very hairy stems and leaves. The leaves, that are ovate and toothed, have red margins when...

Kohleria x hybr. (Red flowered ) (Gesneriaceae)
Very ornamental and beautiful perennial plant. Leaves lance-shaped, about 8 cm long, very velvety, red-shaded on veins and margins. Flowers...

Seemannia sylvatica (Gloxinia sylvatica) (Gesneriaceae)
South American rhizomatous species. Leaves lanceolate, dark green in colour, slightly hairy. Flowers solitary, tubular, red outside and...

Achimenes misera (Gesneriaceae)
Winter resting, rhizomatous species up to 20 cm tall. Leaves 6 x 3.5 cm, ovate, toothed and pubescent. Axillary flowers, bell-shaped, 1 cm...

This rhizomatous species is native to Colombia. Stems deciduous, up to 10-15 cm long. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, pubescent, green...