

Colombian species with underground scaly rhizomes. Stems erect, hairy, up to 60 cm long, evergreen. Leaves large, ovate, soft and velvety,...

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x Achimenantha naegelioides ’Inferno’ (Gesneriaceae) (Gesneriaceae)

Rhizomatous species up to 45 cm high. Leaves 6 × 3 cm, ovate-lanceolate, toothed, reddish. Flowers axillary, bright red in colour with a...

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Eucodonia andrieuxii (Gesneriaceae)

Herbaceous species with scaly rhizomes. Leaves ovate, pubescent, light green above, reddish beneath.. Flowers solitary, bell-shaped,...

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Smithiantha multiflora GRF9121 (Gesneriaceae)

~~Rhizomatous species. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, toothed, pubescent, green with darker stripes. Flowers pendulous, funnel-shaped, white, in...

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Kohleria eriantha (Gesneriaceae)

This small plant, usually up to 50 cm high, has very hairy stems and leaves. The leaves, that are ovate and toothed, have red margins when...

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Kohleria x hybr. (Red flowered ) (Gesneriaceae)

Very ornamental and beautiful perennial plant. Leaves lance-shaped, about 8 cm long, very velvety, red-shaded on veins and margins. Flowers...

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Seemannia sylvatica (Gloxinia sylvatica) (Gesneriaceae)

South American rhizomatous species. Leaves lanceolate, dark green in colour, slightly hairy. Flowers solitary, tubular, red outside and...

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Smithiantha zebrina (Gesneriaceae)

Rhizomatous species. Herbaceous stems 30-40 cm high. Leaves heart-shaped, 8-10 cm in size, dark green spotted with dark purple-red, densely...

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Achimenes misera (Gesneriaceae)

Winter resting, rhizomatous species up to 20 cm tall. Leaves 6 x 3.5 cm, ovate, toothed and pubescent. Axillary flowers, bell-shaped, 1 cm...

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This species is native to Colombia and has underground scaly rhizomes. Stems 30-40 cm long, often procumbent or creeping. Leaves ovate,...

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This rhizomatous species is native to Colombia. Stems deciduous, up to 10-15 cm long. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, pubescent, green...

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