
Orbea baldratii (Caralluma baldratii, Pachycymbium baldratii) (Apocynaceae)
Stems with long teeth, with purple dots and with underground stolons. Flowers star-shaped, with very narrow lobes, about 2.5 cm in size,...

Caralluma europaea var. europaea Lampedusa, Italy (Apocynaceae)
The only stapeliea present in the european flora. Groups of star-shaped striped flowers each 1.5 cm wide at the apex of the stems. It...

Caralluma hexagona RH202 Wadi Dhahr, 15 Km NW Sanaa, Yemen (Apocynaceae)
Stems grey-green, irregularly ribbed. This plant is compact, clumping, gnarled and slow growing. Flowers slightly campanulate, erect,...

Apteranthes joannis Clone 1 (Caralluma joannis) (Apocynaceae)
Stems erect or procumbent, branched, partly underground. Flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter, cream-yellow spotted with dark red. Corolla lobes...

Caralluma joannis Clone 2 (Apteranthes joannis) (Apocynaceae)
Stems procumbent, glaucous, not very branched, partly underground. Flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter, cream yellow spotted with dark red....

Duvalia sulcata var. seminuda (Apocynaceae)
Rare species of Stapelieae with succulent, grey-green, purple-dotted stems with showy teeth. Little, star-shaped and very unusual flowers....

Echidnopsis dammaniana x hybrida (Apocynaceae)
Succulent plant. Stems up to 15 cm long, square or exagonal in section, greenish-brown. Flowers small, reddish, umbrella-shaped,...

Echidnopsis oviflora (Apocynaceae)
Succulent plant. Stems greyish-green, brown with age, 15 x 0.8-1 cm, wrinkled. Flowers small (4-5 mm), dark purple outwards, slightly...

Echidnopsis sharpei ssp. ciliata (Echidnopsis ciliata) (Apocynaceae)
Succulent with stems being cylindrical, creeping, branched, 1 cm in diameter, tubercled, brown-reddish. Small star-shaped red flowers. Rare...

Echidnopsis squamulata Near Taizz, Yemen (Apocynaceae)
Small succulent with snake-like, dark green stems. Flowers unusual, very utriculate, about 15 mm long, violet-brown. Rare. Single stem...

Frerea indica Clone 2 (Caralluma frerei) (Apocynaceae)
The only stapeliad with true, fleshy and well developed leaves (caducous in the dry season). Stems creeping, cylindrical. Flowers...

Huernia aspera Iringa Province, Tanzania (Apocynaceae)
Half-prostrate succulent with 5-6-angled stems with short teeth. Flowers purple-brown, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, slightly campanulate, roughly...

Huernia clavigera x hybrida (Apocynaceae)
Small stapeliad with numerous stems that are 8x2 cm in size, often tangled, usually square in section, toothed, green spotted with red....

Huernia echidnopsioides W Patensie, S. Africa (Apocynaceae)
Stems round in section, finely covered with low square tubercles, similar to the echidnopsis ones, about 1 cm in diameter, 5-7 cm long,...

Huernia hislopii Zimbabwe (Apocynaceae)
Stems succulent, slightly toothed, slender and more clustered stems, with about 6 angles. Flowers bell-shaped, 2.5 cm in diameter, w...

Huernia keniensis (Apocynaceae)
This is a very interesting species. Stems 5-12 cm long, sub-cylindric . Flowers bell-sahped, dark purple, papillose inside and streaked...

Huernia keniensis var. maniera Barad11548 (Apocynaceae)
Stems red-violet. Half-opened flowers densely covered with small dark red papillae and with lobes that are almost completely reflexed....

Huernia kirkii x hybrida (Apocynaceae)
Stem pentagonal, with many little teeth, reddish. Flowers star shaped, light yellow in colour spotted red. Half shade in summer. Very...

Huernia leachii Lavranos (Apocynaceae)
Stems cylindrical, up to 150 cm long. Flowers pendulous, slightly bell-shaped, 2.5 cm in diameter, in groups of 2 or more, with lobes that...

Huernia macrocarpa var. penzigii (Apocynaceae)
Stems erect, strong and clumping, square or pentagonal in section, strongly tubercled. Flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, dark red...

Huernia occulta (Apocynaceae)
Stapeliad with thin, reddish, slightly tubercled, up to 30 cm long stems. Flowers star-shaped, campanulate, upward, 3 cm in diameter,...

Huernia occulta PRA319S (Apocynaceae)
Stapeliad with thin, slightly tubercled, up to 30 cm long stems. Flowers star-shaped, campanulate, upward, 3 cm in diameter, cream-yellow...

Huernia pendula (Apocynaceae)
Species whose stems are cylindrical and slender, pendulous or creeping, rooting at contact with the soil. The flowers have lobes that are...

Huernia tanganyikensis x Huernia procumbens (Apocynaceae)
Stems rather creeping, with blunt ribs. Flowers star-shaped, about 3 cm in diameter. Lobes ivory with red spots. Glossy, red, prominent...

Huernia quinta (Apocynaceae)
Stems erect and strong, clumping, up to 7 cm long, square or pentagonal in section, tubercled. Flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter, bell-shaped,...

Huernia recondita (Apocynaceae)
Species with creeping stems that are sub-cylinder in section, up to 50 cm long, olive-green and slightly red-dotted. Flowers in groups, 18...

Huernia rosea RH230 10Km E Al-Maghraba, Haraz Mountains, Yemen (Apocynaceae)
This is a clumping species with erect, 5-angular stems 3-6.5 cm long. The flowers, in groups of 3, are bell-shaped, brown-pink in colour,...

Huernia schneideriana (Apocynaceae)
This species has nice bell-shaped flowers that are 3 cm in diameter, with a purple-black corolla tube, with a corolla that is brown outside...

Huernia volkartii var. repens (Huernia repens) (Apocynaceae)
Stems up to 50 cm long, creeping and slightly arched, 8-10 mm in diameter, not very toothed. Flowers cup-shaped, cream with red spots, over...

Huernia x pendurata (Apocynaceae)
Ibrido tra H. pendula e H. hystrix. Stems numerous, 8-10 mm in diameter, violet-glaucous. Very beautiful, even without flowers. Flowers...

Huernia zebrina var. magniflora H6827 Njelele, South Africa (Apocynaceae)
Clumping succulent with stems being toothed and about 2 cm in diameter. Flowers star-shaped, 6-7 cm in diameter, with bell-shaped centre,...

Orbea variegata clone 2 (Stapelia variegata) (Apocynaceae)
Stems thin, 5-6 cm long, slightly toothed. Flowers large, with annulus, white-yellowish strongly dotted with purple. Cape Province. Soil...

Stapelia divaricata Swellendam, S. Africa (Apocynaceae)
Succulent with stems being clumping, branched, slightly hairy, about 12 cm high and about 1 cm in diameter. Flowers in small basal groups,...

Stapelia divaricata x hybrida (Apocynaceae)
Long and thin stems, slightly tuberculate, that are green spotted red-purple. Flowers in groups, pink in colour. Beautiful and...

Stapelia gigantea PRA307S Josini, South Africa (Apocynaceae)
Stems big, strong, erect, velvety, square in section, reddish-green, 3 cm wide and much higher than other Stapelieae. Flowers star-shaped,...

Stapelia hirsuta var. comata DP4158B (Apocynaceae)
The flowers of this variety have hairs on the margins only. Cutting Rooted cutting

Stapelianthus decaryi (Apocynaceae)
Stems blackish-brown, about 6 mm in diameter, with fine teeth, creeping, very dense. Flowers small, campanulate, pale brown spotted with...

Tromotriche revoluta var. tigrina (Apocynaceae)
Species with stems that are 15-35 cm long, partly underground, forming long rhizomatous runners. Flowers, sessile, 6-7 cm in diameter, with...

Echidnopsis × hybrida ‘Fernando’ (Apocynaceae)
New hybrid obtained in our nursery from Echidnopsis ciliata. Stems strong, reaching 50 cm in length by 10 mm in diameter. Stems are...

Huernia volkartii var. volkartii (Apocynaceae)
Clumping species. Stems short, densely branched, forming a close clump. Flowers star-shaped, densely papillose, light cream-white in colour...

Orbea halipedicola xhybridax hybrida (Apocynaceae)
Clumping species, occasionally procumbent. Stems green, slightly shaded with red, with triangular and prominent teeth. Flowers star-shaped,...

Huernia hislopii (Apocynaceae)
Native species of Zimbabwe where it grows on granite rock outcrops. Angular stems of green-purplish color with well evident tubercles....

Orbea decaisneana (Caralluma hesperidum) (Bromeliaceae)
~~Stems very large, grey-green, purple-dotted and with massive teeth up to 2 cm long. Very dark violet-brownish flowers. Clumping. Half...

Echidnopsis nubica (Apocynaceae)
~~Stems erect or creeping, branched at their base, about 20 cm in height and 1.5-2 cm in diameter, with a roundish section. Tubercles not...

Stapelia x hybrida ‘Incomparabilis’ (Apocynaceae)
~~Horticultural hybrid between Stapelia maculosa and Stapelia ‘Trifida’. Stems erect, square in section, toothed. Flowers star-shaped,...

Stapelia x hybrida (Apocynaceae)
~~Stapelia hybrid obtained in our nursery. Stems erect or procumbent, square in section, toothed and velvety. Flowers rather large (15-20...

Huernia macrocarpa x Huernia leachii (Apocynaceae)
~~This hybrid was obtained in our nursery. Stems linear, branched, decumbent. Flowers bell-shaped, light cream strongly striped with red....

Huernia whitesloaneana x hybrida (Apocynaceae)
~~This hybrid was obtained in our nursery. Stems tufted, not very toothed, almost circular in section. Flowers 5-lobed (sometimes 6-lobed),...

Stapelia gigantea DMC3401 (Apocynaceae)
~~Stems big, erect, velvety, square in section, with winged ribs, 3 cm wide and much higher than other Stapelieae. Flowers star-shaped, to...

Huernia keniensis var. nairobensis x Huernia keniensis var. keniensis (Apocynaceae)
~~This plant has intermediate traits between the two varieties, particularly in the flowers. Stems prostrate, toothed, reddish-green....

Echidnopsis x hybrida VC3 (Apocynaceae)
~~This hybrid was obtained in our nursery between Echidnopsis cereiformis and Echidnopsis dammaniana. Stems erect, slightly tubercled....

Echidnoposis x hybrida VC4 (Apocynaceae)
This hybrid was obtained in our nursery from Echidnopsis globosa. Stems creeping, strong, with roundish tubercles. Flowers apical,...

Echidnopsis x hybrida VC5 (Apocynaceae)
This hybrid was obtained in our nursery from Echidnopsis chrysantha. Stems longer and stronger than in E. chrysantha. Bristles shorter...

Echidnopsis x hybrida VC1 (Apocynaceae)
Hybrid of Echidnopsis cereiformis with erect stems and tubercles that are not very evident (stems are almost smooth). Flowers apical,...

Huernia x hybrida VC6 (Apocynaceae)
This hybrid was obtained in our nursery between Huernia stapelioides and Huernia hystrix. Stems strong, cylindrical-ovoid, branched,...

Huernia x hybrida VC7 ’Rossella\’ (Apocynaceae)
Hybrid of Huernia thuretii characterized by stems up to 10 cm long, clusters, slightly tuberculous. Star-shaped flowers with a diameter of...

Huernia concinna (Apocynaceae)
~~Stems about 7 cm high, 1.5 cm in diameter, light green with purple-brown dots and sharp upward teeth. Flowers bell-shaped, yellow with...

Duvalia caespitosa x Huernia zebrina (Apocynaceae)
Interspecific hybrid characterized by short and stocky stems of a soft green color, a little reddened, with short tubercles. Flowers 3-4 cm...

Huernia x hybrida VC8 ’Coriandoli\’ (Apocynaceae)
Huernia maccoyi hybrid characterized by 5-6 cm long stems with very developed tubercles. Flowers about 2 cm in diameter, papillose,...

Stapelia x hybrida ’Rosalla\’ VC12 (Apocynaceae)
Our new hybrid obtained from Stapelia obducta. The stems are 10-15 cm long by 2 cm broad, of a glaucous green colour. The flowers, with a...