
Sansevieria aethiopica (Dracenaceae)
Leaves 1.5-4 x 1-1.5 cm, erect, linear, channelled, dark green transversely striped with light green, arranged in rosettes of 13-30 each....

Sansevieria canaliculata (Sansevieria sulcata) (Dracenaceae)
Similar to S. cylindrica, but leaves more flexible. Tropical Africa. Bare root 16 cm pot

Sansevieria concinna LAV5933 (Dracenaceae)
Rhizomatous succulent with spoon-shaped leaves that are plain dark green in colour, unusually petiolate and more or less slender. The...

Sansevieria cylindrica (Dracenaceae)
Species with a short rhizome. Rosettes of 3-4 leaves. Leaves 75 cm long, erect, stiff, cylindrical, 2.5 cm in diameter, channelled in one...

Sansevieria gracilis (Dracenaceae)
Unusual sansevieria with rosettes of conical, sharpened, white-and-green-striped leaves. Rhizomes thin, lifted over the ground by strong...

Sansevieria grandis (Dracenaceae)
Rhizome slender with a rosette formed by few large leaves at the apex. Leaves 30-60 x 8-15 cm, elliptical to oblong or to oblanceolate,...

Sansevieria hyacinthoides (Dracenaceae)
Beautiful plant with rhizome producing rosettes of tongue-like, succulent, fibrous and erect leaves, about 40 x 8 cm in size, dark green...

Sansevieria metallica (Dracenaceae)
Similar to S. hyacinthoides, but leaves thinner, narrow, 1.5 x 5-14 cm. Tropical eastern Africa. Not hardy. Bare root 16 cm pot

Sansevieria parva ‘Nelsonii’ (Dracenaceae)
Unusual sansevieria with thin rhizomes and very narrowly lanceolate, not very succulent leaves that are 10-30 cm long and only 1-2 cm...

Sansevieria parva clone 1 (Dracenaceae)
Very clumping species having long, thin, creeping rhizomes, with leaves being not very succulent, very lanceolate, erect, in tufts, dark...

Sansevieria parva clone 2 (Dracenaceae)
Very clumping species. Leaves not very succulent, transversally striped above. Flowers in spikes. Very well drained soil and half shade....

Sansevieria phillipsiae clone 1 (Dracenaceae)
Species with leaves being cylindrical, grooved, erect, dull green striped with light green, about 15 mm in diameter. Rhizomes creeping...

Sansevieria phillipsiae clone 2 (Dracenaceae)
Leaves cylindrical, glaucous-green striped with light green, about 15 mm in diameter. Flowers white, in spikes. Very well drained soil and...

Sansevieria singularis (Sansevieria fischeri) (Dracenaceae)
Leaves solitary, or rarely in pairs, up to 50 cm long, channelled, transversely striped, looking like tusks emerging from the soil. Flowers...

Sansevieria sp. Lavranos Tananarive, Madagascar (Dracenaceae)
Similar to Sansevieria suffruticosa, but with leaves being shorter, distichous, arched outwards and oval in section (thicker than wide)....

Sansevieria suffrutticosa (Dracenaceae)
Species with creeping rhizomes. Stems erect, 30-50 cm high, with leaves spirally arranged around them. Leaves 7-18 per rosette, 60 x 2 cm,...

Sansevieria thyrsiflora (Dracenaceae)
Leaves 15-45 cm long x 3.5-9 cm wide, lanceolate, with dark/light green, alternate, transversal stripes. Leaf margins whitish. South...

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ (Dracenaceae)
Very beautiful plant with rhizome producing rosettes of tongue-like, succulent, fibrous and erect leaves, about 40 x 8 cm in size, in the...

Sansevieria trifasciata clone 1 (Dracenaceae)
Leaves strong, flat, up to 70 cm long, green with darker longitudinal stripes. Easy and rarer in cultivation with respect to its cultivars....

Sansevieria trifasciata clone 2 (Dracenaceae)
Leaves wide and short (8 x 30-40 cm), strongly transversally striped with dark and light green. Easy and rarer in cultivation than its...

Sansevieria masoniana (Dracenaceae)
~~For long time known as Sansevieria sp. ‘Mason/Congo’. Rhizome creeping, up to over 10 cm in diameter. Leaves leathery, flat, up to 75...