
Begonia maculata var. alba (Begoniaceae)
Species with fibrous roots. Stems erect, up to 1,5 m long. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, glossy green, with few silvery spots and waved margin....

Begonia x fuchsifoliosa (Begoniaceae)
It is a very elegant begonia with fibrous roots. It has succulent, erect, slightly pendulous stems, up to 50 cm long, with numerous small...

Begonia mazae f. nigricans (Begoniaceae)
This species has an aerial, thin, creeping rhizome. Leaves almost roundish, 12.5 x 8 cm, cordate at their base and acute at apex, brown...

Begonia reniformis Mococa, Brazil (Begonia vitifolia) (Begoniaceae)
~~Tree species. Stems long, easily reaching 3 m in height. Leaves obliquely obovate, up to 14 cm in length, cordate, light green, glossy,...

Begonia × hybrida ‘Jolly Silver’ (Begoniaceae)
Beautiful herbaceous begonia with an interesting foliage. Leaves with long petioles, ovate-lanceolate, dark green in colour, strongly...

Begonia subvillosa var. leptotricha (Begoniaceae)
~~Sub-shrub species. Leaves almost roundish or slightly longer and wing-shaped, glossy, slightly red below. Flowers white or pinkish-white,...