
Ruellia squarrosa (Acanthaceae)
Small bushy perennial species. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, slightly pubescent, green veined with red. Abundant flowering from Spring to...

Saxifraga stolonifera (Saxifragaceae)
Herbaceous perennial species, up to 20 cm in height. Leaves roundish, crenate at margins, hairy, red below. Plants produce numerous, long,...

Senecio confusus (Pseudogynoxis chenopodioides) (Asteraceae)
Climber-creeping with numerous, daisy-like, about 5 cm in diameter, red-orange flowers during many months each year. Full sunshine or half...

Hoffmannia x hybrida ’Fantasia\’ (Rubiaceaae)
Horticultural hybrid between Hoffmannia ghiesbreghtii and Hoffmannia roezlii. Stems up to 1 m tall, with a quadrangular section,...

Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’ (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial forming dwarf clumps close to the soil. Leaves spathulate, intensely dark purple-red in colour. Leaves are darker in...

Arthropodium cirratum (Asparagaceae)
~~New Zealand bulbous plant with long, dense, velvety, light green, very ornamental leaves and inflorescences up to 60 cm long carrying, at...

Platycodon grandiflorum alba (Campanulaceae)
~~Herbaceous perennial up to 70 cm high. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, toothed. Flowers 6-7 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, white. Hardy. In Winter...

Dianthus plumarius (Dianthus lumnitzeri) (Caryophyllaceae)
~~Herbaceous perennial, up to 40 cm high, cushion-shaped. Leaves narrow, glaucous-green, pointed. Flowers large, scented, solitary. Petals...

Anemome tomentosa (Ranunculaceae)
~~This species originates from the northern China and is up to 1 m high. Leaves with a long petiole, divided in three leaflets, strongly...