Sansevieria concinna LAV5933 (Dracenaceae)

Dracenaceae - Sansevierias

Sansevieria concinna in fiore
Cut Bare root Pot
€ 9.00
€ 11.00

Product details

Rhizomatous succulent with spoon-shaped leaves that are plain dark green in colour, unusually petiolate and more or less slender. The petiole is about 10-15 x 1 cm and the lamina is about 10-25 x 5 cm. Inflorescences white, up to 50 cm high. Fruits orange, about 1 cm in diameter. Easy and very particular in shape. Rare. Mozambico.

Bare rooot
16 cm pot 

Other plants in category Sansevierias

Other plants of family Dracenaceae

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