Huernia volkartii var. volkartii (Apocynaceae)

Apocynaceae - Stapeliads

Cut Bare root Pot
€ 3.00
€ 4.00

Product details

Clumping species. Stems short, densely branched, forming a close clump. Flowers star-shaped, densely papillose, light cream-white in colour blotched with red. Corolla tube internally striped with red. Angola, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It grows wild in granitic mountains at elevations of 1000 to 1500 m. It generally prefers shallow soils among rocky outcrops. It is more rarely found in loose leaf litter and shallow soils that form on rock slabs in the low Brachystegia forests.

Slightly branched cutting
Slightly branchred rooted cutting

Other plants in category Stapeliads

Other plants of family Apocynaceae

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