Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera (Aloaceae)
~~Rosettes of triangular, succulent, keeled, slender, slightly toothed leaves with transparent stripes at apex. S. Africa....
Stapelia divaricata Swellendam, S. Africa (Apocynaceae)
Succulent with stems being clumping, branched, slightly hairy, about 12 cm high and about 1 cm in diameter. Flowers in small basal groups,...
Hippeastrum roseum (Rhodophiala rosea) (Amaryllidaceae)
Leaves linear, deciduous in Winter. Flower stem 30-45 cm long, carrying 4 flowers. Flowers bell-shaped, orange-pink in colour with darker...
Huernia echidnopsioides W Patensie, S. Africa (Apocynaceae)
Stems round in section, finely covered with low square tubercles, similar to the echidnopsis ones, about 1 cm in diameter, 5-7 cm long,...
Huernia recondita (Apocynaceae)
Species with creeping stems that are sub-cylinder in section, up to 50 cm long, olive-green and slightly red-dotted. Flowers in groups, 18...
Amaryllis belladonna (Amaryllidaceae)
Very beautiful and showy bulbous species from South Africa (Cape Province). Flowers bell-shaped, light pink, about 12 cm long, grouped in...