
Adromischus cristatus Wildform (Crassulaceae)
Succulent, 10-15 cm high, compact, with stems covered with brown aerial roots. Leaves spatulate-flat, shiny-green, waved at apex. Flowers...

Adromischus maculatus (Crassulaceae)
Succulent species up to 15 cm high. Stems not very branched and fibrous roots. Leaves flat, obovate (3-7 cm), with leathery margin,...

Adromischus mammillaris (Crassulaceae)
Crassulaceae Succulent forming close clumpings up to 15 cm high. Leaves up to 4 cm long, spindle-shaped, bright green in colour. Long...

Aloe variegata (Aloaceae)
Aloaceae Stemless rosette. Leaves with a a very marked keel, usually arranged in three ranks, green-brownish, white-spotted,...

Euphorbia symmetrica (Euphorbiaceae)
Almost spherical body larger than high, light green. Long taproot. Very rare. South Africa. Bare root 10 cm pot

Fenestraria rhopalophylla CM99 (Mesembryanthemaceae)
Succulent with club-shaped leaves and with transparent window at apex making a small cushion. Flowers white. Northern Cape. Radice...

Euphorbia milii var. breonii (Euphorbiaceae)
Similar to the type species, but size larger, stems circular in section, spines and flowers bigger. Very beautiful and richly flowering....

Euphorbia graniticola (Euphorbiaceae)
Branched, ribbed, striped succulent. Big spines linked by a continuous woody shield. White ribs. Very beautiful. From Mozambique to...

Euphorbia aeruginosa (Euphorbiaceae)
Small, shrubby, branched succulent. Stems very ornamental, thin, glaucous-green in colour, rusty-brown around the spines. Spines...

Euphorbia baioensis (Euphorbiaceae)
Basally branched plant, up to 30 cm high. Stems erect, cylindrical, with 8-10 spiny ribs. Reddish spines. Kenya. Cutting Bare...

Gasteria baylissiana (Aloaceae)
Clumping species forming groups that are 8 cm in diameter. Leaves 5.5 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width, green with white cartilagineous...

Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa (Gasteria verrucosa) (Aloaceae)
South-African species with fan-shaped leaves that are thick and covered with white spots above. Orange flowers with green tip....

Gasteria croucheri (Aloaceae)
This particular succulent has leaves that are arranged in a rosette (in a fan when young), 20-36 cm x 3-10 cm in size, slendery-triangular...

Gasteria glomerata (Aloaceae)
This species forms clumpings that are up to 20 cm in diameter. Leaves distichous up to 30 cm long, rough, glaucous green. Flowers...

Haworthia attenuata (Aloaceae)
The species has leaves that are erect or slightly curved, dark green, flexible and acuminate, covered with tubercles that externally form...

Haworthia coartata ssp. coartata var. coarctata (Aloaceae)
Stems branched, with dense lanceolate leaves that are succulent, crescent-shaped in section, red if in full sunshine or if exposed to cool...

Haworthia glabrata (Aloaceae)
Leaves light green, leathery, lanceolate, covered with tubercles of the same colour. Flowers white. Probably it’s a hybrid originated in...

Haworthia glauca var. herrei f. jacobseniana (Aloaceae)
The lanceolate blue-green succulent leaves are packed around the stem to make a dense column with a spiky appearance. Bare root 10...

Haworthia nigra (Aloaceae)
Specie alta fino a 15 cm. Foglie coriacee, triangolari, lunghe fino a 4 cm per 2 cm di larghezza, di colore quasi nero. Le foglie sono...

Haworthia tortuosa (Aloaceae)
Very variable species, often with stemmed rosettes up to 20 cm high whose leaves are disposed in series to form a spiral. Leaves...

Haworthia venosa ssp. tessellata (Haworthia tessellata) (Aloaceae)
Rosettes are 10 cm in diameter. Leaves dark green, translucent, longitudinally striped, spirally arranged. Origin: South Africa (Cape...

Agave striata var. falcata Z66 (Asparagaceae)
~~ Unusual agave with leaves being basal, very narrow, semi-cylindrical, sickle-shaped, very stiff, pointed, glaucous. It forms a...

Plectranthus socotranum (Lamiaceae)
Small, succulent, very clumping shrub. Leaves galucous green in colour, opposite, fleshy, roundish. Very aromatic. Flowers bilabiate....

Sarcostemma insigne (Apocynaceae)
Stems very thin, half-procumbent, cylindrical, 3 mm in section, grey-brownish with white stripes. Flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter, in small...

Senecio articulatus (Asteraceae)
Succulent species. Stems up to 60 cm long x 1.5-2 cm in diameter, typically articulate, blue-green spotted with grey. Leaves up to 5 cm...

Kalanchoe beharensis ‘Fang’ (Crassulaceae)
~~Succulent shrub being very unusual and ornamental. Leaves succulent, rhombic, about 10 cm in size, covered with golden-grey velvet, with...

Haworthia x cuspidata (Aloaceae)
~~This is a natural hybrid between H. cymbiformis and H. retusa. It has intermediate characteristics between both species. Leaves are very...

Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera (Aloaceae)
~~Rosettes of triangular, succulent, keeled, slender, slightly toothed leaves with transparent stripes at apex. S. Africa....

Adromischus cristatus (Crassulaceae)
~~Succulent, 10-15 cm high, compact, with stems covered with brown aerial roots. Leaves spatulate-flat, shiny-green, waved at apex. Flowers...

Gasteria bicolor (Gasteria maculata) (Aloaceae)
~~Clumping succulent species, up to 50 cm high. Leaves distichous or spirally arranged, dark green densely spotted with white, up to 40 cm...

Haworthia herbacea (Aloaceae)
~~Deciduous caudiciform with compound leaves and long racemes of very beautiful, funnel-shaped, coral-red flowers. Well drained soil. Full...

Yucca baccata (Asparagaceae)
~~Stem not present or procumbent and up to 1.5 m long. Leaves dark green, up to 75 cm long, with filiferous reddish margins and a pungent...

Haworthia glauca var. glauca (Aloaceae)
~~Leaves 2-3 cm long, glaucous, arranged in a crown on the stem. South Africa (Cape Province). Well drained soil. Half shade or full...

Sedum hernandezii Mexico (Crassulaceae)
~~Native to Puebla, Mexico. It forms clumps that are rather compact. Stems up to 10 cm in length. Leaves obvallate, subcylindrical, emerald...

Agave ferdinandi-regis (Asparagaceae)
~~Mexican species that makes small rosettes. Leaves up to 13 cm long, with longitudinal horny stripes and with a black apical thorn that is...