
This bromeliad is native to: southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and northern Argentina. Leaves green, 30-70 cm long, narrow, curved at apex...

Abromeitiella chlorantha (Bromeliaceae)
This species, originating from southern Bolivia, has triangular leaves that are toothed at the base, pointed at apex and form a closed...

This species has monocarpic clumping rosettes (each rosette dies after flowering, but new basal offsets are produced) and grows wild in...

Vriesea x multiflora ’Astrid’ (Bromeliaceae)
Clumping hybrid of garden origin. Leaves thin, narrow, about 20 cm in length, arched at apex, very dense. Inflorescences up to 30 cm in...

Hechtia podantha (Bromeliaceae)
Dioecious species. Leaves leathery, toothed at the margins, narrow and pointed, in basal rosettes, red-shaded if exposed to intense light....

Aechmea recurvata var. benrathii (Bromeliaceae)
~~Similar to a tillandsia. Leaves leathery, thin, about 20 cm long. Inflorescences with pink bracts, then turning to reddish-brown. Flowers...

Aechmea gamosepala (Bromeliaceae)
Epiphytic species from southern Brazil forests characterized by rosettes with funnel-shaped leaves. Thin and flexible leaves 25-55 cm...