Opuntia microdasys var. albispina (Cactaceae)
Small opuntia with oval flat pads covered with numerous areoles of very white glochids and without spines. Centre and north of Mexico....

Stapelia divaricata Swellendam, S. Africa (Apocynaceae)
Succulent with stems being clumping, branched, slightly hairy, about 12 cm high and about 1 cm in diameter. Flowers in small basal groups,...

Euphorbia milii var. breonii (Euphorbiaceae)
Similar to the type species, but size larger, stems circular in section, spines and flowers bigger. Very beautiful and richly flowering....

Huernia keniensis (Apocynaceae)
This is a very interesting species. Stems 5-12 cm long, sub-cylindric . Flowers bell-sahped, dark purple, papillose inside and streaked...

Anemome tomentosa (Ranunculaceae)
~~This species originates from the northern China and is up to 1 m high. Leaves with a long petiole, divided in three leaflets, strongly...

Ruellia squarrosa (Acanthaceae)
Small bushy perennial species. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, slightly pubescent, green veined with red. Abundant flowering from Spring to...