Hechtia podantha (Bromeliaceae)
Dioecious species. Leaves leathery, toothed at the margins, narrow and pointed, in basal rosettes, red-shaded if exposed to intense light....
Echidnopsis x hybrida VC3 (Apocynaceae)
~~This hybrid was obtained in our nursery between Echidnopsis cereiformis and Echidnopsis dammaniana. Stems erect, slightly tubercled....
Canna edulis (Cannaceae)
~~Rhizomatous perennial up to 2 m in height. Leaves 20-50 x 10-18 cm, purple-red and green. Flowers red, with narrow petals, on 1-1.5 m...
Iris unguicularis (Iris stylosa) (Iridaceae)
Rhizomatous iris with narrow and glaucous leaves. Flowers lilac and yellow, in winter. Hardy. Easy. Algeria, Tunisia, western Syria,...
Adromischus cristatus Wildform (Crassulaceae)
Succulent, 10-15 cm high, compact, with stems covered with brown aerial roots. Leaves spatulate-flat, shiny-green, waved at apex. Flowers...
Canna flaccida (Cannaceae)
Cannaceae Specie rizomatosa alta fino a 2 m. Foglie verde-chiaro di 20-45 x 8-11 cm, ellittiche, lanceolate, con apice acuto. Fiori...