Rhizomatous species. Herbaceous stems 30-40 cm high. Leaves heart-shaped, 8-10 cm in size, dark green spotted with dark purple-red, densely pubescent, covered with reddish hairs. Beneath leaves are pubescent and pink. Flowers finger-like, orange with darker spots, in apical cymes, very showy....

Rhizomatous bearded iris. Leaves glaucous, 20-30 × 1-4 cm, not deciduous. Inflorescences branched, just over 40 cm long. Flowers 2-4, scented, 8-12 cm in diameter. Tepals violet-blue, yellow-bearded. Balkans (Illyria). Very beautiful and drought-resistant. Drained soil. Hardy. Rhizome 14 cm...

Herbaceous perennial species, up to 20 cm in height. Leaves roundish, crenate at margins, hairy, red below. Plants produce numerous, long, red stolons at whose apex new plantlets sprouts. Flowers white, in erect inflorescences. China and Japan. Hardy. Good for hanging baskets. Exposure in shade or...

~~Stems square in section but more or less rounded, pubescent. Flowers star-shaped, 4 cm in diameter, white striped with red and with red lobe apices. Flowers appear in late summer or in autumn and are grouped in dense clusters at the upper part of the young stems. South Africa (Northern...

Leaves long (7 cm) and narrow (2 cm), more or less light green in colour, with darker margins. Flowers small, (0.9 cm in diameter), pink-red, pubescent, scented, with reflexed petals, in pendulous inflorescences. Good for hanging baskets. Species native of Philippines. Cutting Bare root  7 cm...

This species originates from the Cape Province and has long cylindrical stems (15 x 1.5 cm), that are compact and green to grey-green. Flowers star-shaped, 11 cm in diameter, red-purple covered by red hairs. Singular stem cutting Slightly branched rooted cutting  

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Ferraria crispa (Iridaceae)

Unusual South-african bulbous species (Cape Province) with underground corms. Flowers in Spring, carried on up to 1 m long inflorescences,...

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Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’ (Lamiaceae)

Herbaceous perennial forming dwarf clumps close to the soil. Leaves spathulate, intensely dark purple-red in colour. Leaves are darker in...

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Caralluma europaea var. europaea Lampedusa, Italy (Apocynaceae)

The only stapeliea present in the european flora. Groups of star-shaped striped flowers each 1.5 cm wide at the apex of the stems. It...

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Hippeastrum vittatum x hybrida (Amaryllidaceae)

Bulbous species. Leaves narrow, deciduous in Winter. Flower stem up to 45 cm, carrying 2-4 flowers. Flowers rather large, 6-tepalled....

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Huernia volkartii var. repens (Huernia repens) (Apocynaceae)

Stems up to 50 cm long, creeping and slightly arched, 8-10 mm in diameter, not very toothed. Flowers cup-shaped, cream with red spots, over...

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Eucodonia andrieuxii (Gesneriaceae)

Herbaceous species with scaly rhizomes. Leaves ovate, pubescent, light green above, reddish beneath.. Flowers solitary, bell-shaped,...

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