Very rare clivia variety with bell-shaped and unusually lemon-yellow flowers. Very beautiful. Woodland species. Dry in Winter. South Africa. Half-hardy. 9x9 cm pot

~~Very rare chinese tree peony. Leaves, glaucous, irregularly divided. Flowers white, very large, about 18 cm when completely opened. Every petal has a showy basal black spot with red shadings at borders. Soil fertile and well drained. Half shade. Easy. Hardy. Very beautiful. Bare rooted...

Stems blackish-brown, about 6 mm in diameter, with fine teeth, creeping, very dense. Flowers small, campanulate, pale brown spotted with red-brown. Rare and ornamental. Madagascar. Branched cutting  Branched rooted cutting  

The tuberous roots of this variety have a dark purple skin and a white flesh that is slightly pinkish just under the skin. This plant is much cultivated in South America for its tuberous, edible, sweet roots usually eaten like fruits. It can grow up to 2 m high. Leaves spatulate-deltoid, pubescent,...

Stems big, strong, erect, velvety, square in section, reddish-green, 3 cm wide and much higher than other Stapelieae. Flowers star-shaped, 36 cm in diameter, yellow with thin purple stripes, with bristles. Easy. Fast growing. Keep in half shade in Summer. Species of southern Africa. Record flowers...

This species is up to 40-80 cm high. Leaves lanceolate, up to 40 cm long, glaucous-green in colour. Flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter, light yellow in colour, in long dense spikes. Origin: Argentina and Chile. Easy and perfectly hardy. 14 cm pot  

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Hechtia podantha (Bromeliaceae)

Dioecious species. Leaves leathery, toothed at the margins, narrow and pointed, in basal rosettes, red-shaded if exposed to intense light....

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC3 (Apocynaceae)

~~This hybrid was obtained in our nursery between Echidnopsis cereiformis and Echidnopsis dammaniana. Stems erect, slightly tubercled....

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Canna edulis (Cannaceae)

~~Rhizomatous perennial up to 2 m in height. Leaves 20-50 x 10-18 cm, purple-red and green. Flowers red, with narrow petals, on 1-1.5 m...

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Iris unguicularis (Iris stylosa) (Iridaceae)

Rhizomatous iris with narrow and glaucous leaves. Flowers lilac and yellow, in winter. Hardy. Easy. Algeria, Tunisia, western Syria,...

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Adromischus cristatus Wildform (Crassulaceae)

Succulent, 10-15 cm high, compact, with stems covered with brown aerial roots. Leaves spatulate-flat, shiny-green, waved at apex. Flowers...

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Canna flaccida (Cannaceae)

Cannaceae Specie rizomatosa alta fino a 2 m. Foglie verde-chiaro di 20-45 x 8-11 cm, ellittiche, lanceolate, con apice acuto. Fiori...

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