Sansevieria sp. Lavranos Tananarive, Madagascar (Dracenaceae)
Similar to Sansevieria suffruticosa, but with leaves being shorter, distichous, arched outwards and oval in section (thicker than wide)....
Stapelia divaricata x hybrida (Apocynaceae)
Long and thin stems, slightly tuberculate, that are green spotted red-purple. Flowers in groups, pink in colour. Beautiful and...
Kohleria eriantha (Gesneriaceae)
This small plant, usually up to 50 cm high, has very hairy stems and leaves. The leaves, that are ovate and toothed, have red margins when...
Eucodonia andrieuxii (Gesneriaceae)
Herbaceous species with scaly rhizomes. Leaves ovate, pubescent, light green above, reddish beneath.. Flowers solitary, bell-shaped,...
Anemome tomentosa (Ranunculaceae)
~~This species originates from the northern China and is up to 1 m high. Leaves with a long petiole, divided in three leaflets, strongly...
Huernia pendula (Apocynaceae)
Species whose stems are cylindrical and slender, pendulous or creeping, rooting at contact with the soil. The flowers have lobes that are...