Huernia maccoyi hybrid characterized by 5-6 cm long stems with very developed tubercles. Flowers about 2 cm in diameter, papillose, creamy-white with dark purple spots. Lobes at first stretched then reflexed. Easy to grow and very floriferous. It prefers well-drained soil and a semi-shady position....

Stems big, strong, erect, velvety, square in section, reddish-green, 3 cm wide and much higher than other Stapelieae. Flowers star-shaped, 36 cm in diameter, yellow with thin purple stripes, with bristles. Easy. Fast growing. Keep in half shade in Summer. Species of southern Africa. Record flowers...

Small stapeliad with numerous stems that are 8x2 cm in size, often tangled, usually square in section, toothed, green spotted with red. Flowers basal, solitary or in group. Corolla 3-4 cm in diameter, bell-shaped. Lobes widely triangular, densely papillose, whose colour is brown-green outside and...

Clumping succulent with stems being toothed and about 2 cm in diameter. Flowers star-shaped, 6-7 cm in diameter, with bell-shaped centre, white striped with red. Half shade in Summer. Cutting Rooted cutting 

  Rhizomatous clumping species. Leaves sword-like, arranged in a fan. Flowers star-shaped, yellow, in dense scorpioid inflorescences. South American mountain prairies. Drained soil. Half shade. Hardy. Rare in cultivation. Rhizome 14 cm pot  

Species with stems that are 15-35 cm long, partly underground, forming long rhizomatous runners. Flowers, sessile, 6-7 cm in diameter, with fully revolute lobes, whitish striped with brown-red, slightly hairy on the margin. South Africa (Western Cape Province). Single or slightly branched...

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Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ (Dracenaceae)

Very beautiful plant with rhizome producing rosettes of tongue-like, succulent, fibrous and erect leaves, about 40 x 8 cm in size, in the...

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Gasteria baylissiana (Aloaceae)

Clumping species forming groups that are 8 cm in diameter. Leaves 5.5 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width, green with white cartilagineous...

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Gymnocalycium gibbosum P97 (Cactaceae)

~~Globose cactus being about 5 cm in diameter. Dark grey-green. Large tubercles with stout spines. Flowers white, about 6 cm in size. Easy....

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Hippeastrum roseum (Rhodophiala rosea) (Amaryllidaceae)

Leaves linear, deciduous in Winter. Flower stem 30-45 cm long, carrying 4 flowers. Flowers bell-shaped, orange-pink in colour with darker...

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC5 (Apocynaceae)

 This hybrid was obtained in our nursery from Echidnopsis chrysantha. Stems longer and stronger than in E. chrysantha. Bristles shorter...

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Sansevieria trifasciata clone 1 (Dracenaceae)

Leaves strong, flat, up to 70 cm long, green with darker longitudinal stripes. Easy and rarer in cultivation with respect to its cultivars....

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