Hybrid of Huernia kennedyana obtained in our nursery. Flowers slightly bell-shaped, cream-white in colour with strong red concentrical stripes. Well drained soil and half-shaded exposure. Keep rather dry in winter and at temperatures over 5°C. Cutting Rooted cutting  

~~Herbaceous perennial up to 70 cm high. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, toothed. Flowers 6-7 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, white. Hardy. In Winter it dies back to the roots. Half shade. Manchuria and Japan. Bare rooted (winter) 16 cm pot 

~~Very rare chinese tree peony. Leaves, glaucous, irregularly divided. Flowers white, very large, about 18 cm when completely opened. Every petal has a showy basal black spot with red shadings at borders. Soil fertile and well drained. Half shade. Easy. Hardy. Very beautiful. Bare rooted...

~~Stems square in section but more or less rounded, pubescent. Flowers star-shaped, 4 cm in diameter, white striped with red and with red lobe apices. Flowers appear in late summer or in autumn and are grouped in dense clusters at the upper part of the young stems. South Africa (Northern...

Clumping succulent with stems being toothed and about 2 cm in diameter. Flowers star-shaped, 6-7 cm in diameter, with bell-shaped centre, white striped with red. Half shade in Summer. Cutting Rooted cutting 

Stems blackish-brown, about 6 mm in diameter, with fine teeth, creeping, very dense. Flowers small, campanulate, pale brown spotted with red-brown. Rare and ornamental. Madagascar. Branched cutting  Branched rooted cutting  

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Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ (Dracenaceae)

Very beautiful plant with rhizome producing rosettes of tongue-like, succulent, fibrous and erect leaves, about 40 x 8 cm in size, in the...

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Huernia recondita (Apocynaceae)

Species with creeping stems that are sub-cylinder in section, up to 50 cm long, olive-green and slightly red-dotted. Flowers in groups, 18...

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Huernia keniensis var. maniera Barad11548 (Apocynaceae)

Stems red-violet. Half-opened flowers densely covered with small dark red papillae and with lobes that are almost completely reflexed....

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Abromeitiella chlorantha (Bromeliaceae)

This species, originating from southern Bolivia, has triangular leaves that are toothed at the base, pointed at apex and form a closed...

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Aloe variegata (Aloaceae)

Aloaceae Stemless rosette. Leaves with a a very marked keel, usually arranged in three ranks, green-brownish, white-spotted,...

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Adromischus maculatus (Crassulaceae)

Succulent species up to 15 cm high. Stems not very branched and fibrous roots. Leaves flat, obovate (3-7 cm), with leathery margin,...

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