~~Bulbous species. Leaves linear, up to 30 cm long. Flowers solitary, almost erect, up to 9 cm long, bright pink in colour. Origin: Brazil. 3 bulbs    14 cm pot with 3 bulbs   

Climber-creeping with numerous, daisy-like, about 5 cm in diameter, red-orange flowers during many months each year. Full sunshine or half shade. Very fast growing. Easy. Messico. 14 cm pot   

Leaves solitary, or rarely in pairs, up to 50 cm long, channelled, transversely striped, looking like tusks emerging from the soil. Flowers in dense inflorescences at soil level. Eastern Africa. Not hardy. Young plants. Bare root  16 cm pot   

Species with stems that are 15-35 cm long, partly underground, forming long rhizomatous runners. Flowers, sessile, 6-7 cm in diameter, with fully revolute lobes, whitish striped with brown-red, slightly hairy on the margin. South Africa (Western Cape Province). Single or slightly branched...

  Rhizomatous clumping species. Leaves sword-like, arranged in a fan. Flowers star-shaped, yellow, in dense scorpioid inflorescences. South American mountain prairies. Drained soil. Half shade. Hardy. Rare in cultivation. Rhizome 14 cm pot  

Rhizomatous bearded iris. Leaves glaucous, 20-30 × 1-4 cm, not deciduous. Inflorescences branched, just over 40 cm long. Flowers 2-4, scented, 8-12 cm in diameter. Tepals violet-blue, yellow-bearded. Balkans (Illyria). Very beautiful and drought-resistant. Drained soil. Hardy. Rhizome 14 cm...

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Smithiantha multiflora GRF9121 (Gesneriaceae)

~~Rhizomatous species. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, toothed, pubescent, green with darker stripes. Flowers pendulous, funnel-shaped, white, in...

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Dianthus plumarius (Dianthus lumnitzeri) (Caryophyllaceae)

~~Herbaceous perennial, up to 40 cm high, cushion-shaped. Leaves narrow, glaucous-green, pointed. Flowers large, scented, solitary. Petals...

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Haworthia attenuata (Aloaceae)

The species has leaves that are erect or slightly curved, dark green, flexible and acuminate, covered with tubercles that externally form...

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Abromeitiella chlorantha (Bromeliaceae)

This species, originating from southern Bolivia, has triangular leaves that are toothed at the base, pointed at apex and form a closed...

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC1 (Apocynaceae)

Hybrid of Echidnopsis cereiformis with erect stems and tubercles that are not very evident (stems are almost smooth). Flowers apical,...

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Huernia quinta (Apocynaceae)

Stems erect and strong, clumping, up to 7 cm long, square or pentagonal in section, tubercled. Flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter, bell-shaped,...

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