Herbaceous perennial species, up to 20 cm in height. Leaves roundish, crenate at margins, hairy, red below. Plants produce numerous, long, red stolons at whose apex new plantlets sprouts. Flowers white, in erect inflorescences. China and Japan. Hardy. Good for hanging baskets. Exposure in shade or...

Stems erect, strong and clumping, square or pentagonal in section, strongly tubercled. Flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, dark red in color, finely papillose. Single or slightly branched cutting  Single or slightly branched rooted cutting 

Climber-creeping with numerous, daisy-like, about 5 cm in diameter, red-orange flowers during many months each year. Full sunshine or half shade. Very fast growing. Easy. Messico. 14 cm pot   

Small stapeliad with numerous stems that are 8x2 cm in size, often tangled, usually square in section, toothed, green spotted with red. Flowers basal, solitary or in group. Corolla 3-4 cm in diameter, bell-shaped. Lobes widely triangular, densely papillose, whose colour is brown-green outside and...

Stems grey-green, irregularly ribbed. This plant is compact, clumping, gnarled and slow growing. Flowers slightly campanulate, erect, greenish densely dotted with reddish-brown, about 12 mm in diameter. Rare. ONLY A FEW PLANTS LEFT!!! Single or slightly branched cutting  Little rooted...

Clumping succulent with stems being toothed and about 2 cm in diameter. Flowers star-shaped, 6-7 cm in diameter, with bell-shaped centre, white striped with red. Half shade in Summer. Cutting Rooted cutting 

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Airampoa soehrensii (Tunilla soherensii) (Cactaceae)

This species is very rare in cultivation. Segments egg-shaped or almost spherical, about 3-4 x 1.5-2 cm. Very dwarf and caespitose. Spines...

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Opuntia articulata f.ma syringacantha (Tephrocactus articulatus f.ma syringacanthus) (Cactaceae)

Small opuntia with ovoid articles about 2 cm wide and 5 cm long. Spines big, grey, stiff, ribbon-like, about 6 cm long and 4 mm...

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Echidnopsis x hybrida VC1 (Apocynaceae)

Hybrid of Echidnopsis cereiformis with erect stems and tubercles that are not very evident (stems are almost smooth). Flowers apical,...

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Zephyranthes tubispatha (Habranthus tubispathus Habranthus andersonii) (Amaryllidaceae)

~~Bulbous species. Leaves linear, up to 15 cm long. Flowers solitary, yellow with darker stripes outside. Origin: Argentina, southern...

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Huernia pendula (Apocynaceae)

Species whose stems are cylindrical and slender, pendulous or creeping, rooting at contact with the soil. The flowers have lobes that are...

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Opuntia sphaerica Sipia, Cañón de Cotahuasi, Peru, 2500 m (Cactaceae)

Small shrubby opuntia making colonies. Stem segments ovoid or globose, about 2 cm in diameter, covered with woolly white areoles. Spines...

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