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Agave striata var. falcata Z66 (Asparagaceae)

~~ Unusual agave with leaves being basal, very narrow, semi-cylindrical, sickle-shaped, very stiff, pointed, glaucous. It forms a...

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Nolina lindheimerana (Asparagaceae)

Caudex not present or very small. Leaves grass-like, up to 90 cm long, with entire apex. Origin: Texas. 14 cm pot  

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Eucomis comosa (Asparagaceae)

17-100 cm high bulbous species. Leaves suberect, oblong-lanceolate, speckled with purple, with waved margin. Flowers star-shaped, greenish...

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Dasylirion wheeleri RCH238 S Escondido, Nuevo León, Mexico (Asparagaceae)

~~ Shrub with stocky stems. Leaves narrow, finely toothed, stiff, up to 90 cm in length, in apical tuft. Inflorescences up to 5 m. Flowers...

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Yucca baccata (Asparagaceae)

~~Stem not present or procumbent and up to 1.5 m long. Leaves dark green, up to 75 cm long, with filiferous reddish margins and a pungent...

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Arthropodium cirratum (Asparagaceae)

~~New Zealand bulbous plant with long, dense, velvety, light green, very ornamental leaves and inflorescences up to 60 cm long carrying, at...

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Drimiopsis maculata (Asparagaceae)

Description not available. 12 cm pot

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Agave ferdinandi-regis (Asparagaceae)

~~Mexican species that makes small rosettes. Leaves up to 13 cm long, with longitudinal horny stripes and with a black apical thorn that is...

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